
Spencer hyllar Nintendo: "Skulle älska att se Mario på Xbox"

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Phil Spencer, det högsta hönset hos Microsofts spelavdelning, är allmänt känd för att vara en hygglig och ödmjuk kille. Det finns flera dokumenterade fall där Spencer offentligt erkänt vissa misstag som Microsoft gjort gällande Xbox One och sen finns det även fall där Spencer öppet hyllat sina konkurrenter. Och nu har han gjort det igen.

I en kommande intervju med Ausgamers fick Spencer frågan om han hade velat se Nintendos spel på Xbox, med tanke på att Nintendo i år lämnat sin ankdamm och släppt Mario och Pokémon på andra plattformar (läs mobiler). Spencer svarade:

"I'd love to see Mario on Xbox. As someone who's been in this industry and played games forever, I'll still say it: Nintendo has the strongest first-party of anybody. They're just fantastic and the memories that they have instilled in so many of us, who've played their games and had those delightful experiences, having those on Xbox would be great."

Spencer fortsatte sedan hylla Nintendo och deras samarbete med Microsoft kring Minecraft:

"Obviously we have Minecraft on Nintendo and when that opportunity came up to work with them on Minecraft, you know, some people might look at it and say 'why would you even do that?', but with Nintendo, it's been a great partnership on Minecraft. In fact they put Mario in Minecraft on Wii U with the mash-up skin pack. And continuing to work with them on that and building a stronger relationship... I mean if that paid dividends down the road that lead to something else, that would be fantastic. I know I get questions all the time on would I ever like to see Banjo in Super Smash Bros. and I'm, like, "yes, I would do that in a second". And certain people think I'm saying that as some sort of PR answer and I'm, like, why wouldn't you?"

Spencers hyllning slutade inte där. Han toppade av sitt svar med följande:

"Anyway, I'm a big Nintendo fan and I think they've been incredibly important for the games industry, they do a great job with younger audiences, and if we ever had a chance to work with them in the future, I would absolutely do it."

Det är inte utan anledning som Spencer utvecklats till att bli en av spelvärldens allra populäraste frontfigurer.

Spencer hyllar Nintendo: "Skulle älska att se Mario på Xbox"

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