Dishonored 2

Harvey Smith pratar Dishonored 2 och dess PC-problem

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Den finfina uppföljaren till Arkane Studios-pärlan Dishonored hade det tufft på PC med fps-lagg, suddig bild och annat tråkigt tills patch 1.2 räddade dagen. Harvey Smith (Game Director, Dishonored 2) berättade varför problemen uppstod och hur de fixade nämnda problem i en intervju med Glixel nyligen.

What happened with the PC version of the game? I haven't played it, but it has a reputation for not performing as well as the console versions.

Last night, we released Version 1.2. It had over 100 fixes in it. There were certain combinations of things that we just didn't expect, despite extensively testing the game - very high-end CPUs with low-end GPUs, and older drivers, things like that. I'm a PC gamer. There is nothing like running on a super high-end PC. But it's also the most varied platform to support. It's way, way more complicated than consoles.

Utöver svar på varför PC-spelarna hade problem med spelet vid release gav Smith även svar på ett par frågor gällande Dishonoreds Meagan Foster. Den enarmade lönnmörderskan blev snabbt en favorit och en rejäl snackis som svart, bisexuell lönnmördarkvinna och efter att ha fått frågan "Kommer vi att få spela som Meagan i en framtida DLC?" gav Smith det luriga "We have nothing announced like that yet, sir.". Möjligheten finns alltså där.

Han berättade även lite mer om just Meagan Foster sent i intervjun. (Läs hela intervjun här)

I want to be a stealthy, one-armed, black lesbian assassin.

That would be a good title for the thing, too, if we ever did that. Meagan's a popular character, and Rosario Dawson - I don't want to say who is the strongest voice actor in the game, but Rosario Dawson, she probably has more lines than anyone in the game, and it's very heartfelt. This is a spoiler, but the boat that she is also the captain of, the Dreadful Wale, anagrams into "Farewell, Daud."
And by the way, in terms of representation, a number of people have told me, "I'm so happy you have a character who is lesbian or bi" - more accurately, bi, I think, but mostly lesbian. And just a character who is a person of color. It's very meaningful that people can look into games and see characters in leadership positions who are handled well, who are interesting people first and foremost.

Hade du velat spela som någon annan än Emily eller Corvo?

Dishonored 2

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