Battlefield 1

Dice bannar fler fuskare i Battlefield 1 än någonsin tidigare

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Att det finns gott om folk som fuskar i diverse onlinespel - vet vi. Alla som lirat en match Counter-Strike någon gång vet att framförallt Valves ultrapopulära esport-gigant är fyllt till bredden av dryga fuskkungar som skjuter genom väggar och "no-scopar headshots" utan att tänka (eller sikta). I Battlefield 1 existerar samma sak och detta är såklart något som utvecklarna Dice försöker motverka med alla tänkbara medel. Just nu meddelar man att det bannas fler fuskare än någonsin tidigare i ett försök att städa upp spelet. I en blogg på den officiella siten skriver man följande:

Keeping the Fight Fair: Our Anti-Cheat Approach in Battlefield 1
<em>"Since the release of Battlefield 1, we've seen a lot of questions about our anti-cheat systems and about FairFight - the layer of security we use to combat cheaters. We'd like to address some of the concerns expressed by the community and detail how we're working tirelessly to create a safe, secure environment for the players. Please note: in this article, we are intentionally leaving out some of the more intricate details of our anti-cheat efforts to avoid revealing anything which cheaters and cheat program developers may take advantage of.

Over the past six months, we've steadily ramped up our anti-cheat efforts, working closely with the FairFight team to detect and remove more cheaters than ever before. In October alone, we sanctioned over 8,500 accounts. Since then, instances of cheating have declined. While we have made significant gains, we still can do more. Battlefield 1 veterans may remember the global messaging that was sent every time FairFight had acted against a player. As we ramped up our efforts against cheaters, these messages became a distraction from other in-game discussions, and they were disabled a few months ago based on your feedback. However, our communication about this created some questions. Going forward, our communication will be more clear, transparent, and proactive. Soon, you'll see a new form of FairFight messaging. This will condense the combined bans from the last 24 hours into a single in-game post, sent every few hours.

We saw a rise in the number of social media posts claiming FairFight had banned players incorrectly after the October ban wave mentioned above. However, we are confident that our detection methods produce accurate results. Cheat developers may be attempting to manipulate players' minds about anti-cheat tools, and to leverage detection information from game developers. A common misconception regarding FairFight is that higher skilled players are more likely to get sanctioned due to their improved match stats. This is not correct; it is not possible to be banned simply for being skilled." Länk

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