Detroit: Become Human

Detroit: Become Human har sålt nästan tre miljoner

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Det har varit mycket nyheter om Quantic Dream, utvecklare av bland annat Beyond: Two Souls och Heavy Rain. Detta efter att de inlett ett tätt samarbete med kinesiska NetEase (som även köpt in sig i studion) och hädanefter kommer släppa sina spel multiformat. Studions senaste titel, Detroit: Become Human, var dock Playstation 4-exklusivt och när producenten David Cage intervjuades hos GamesBeat berättade han om hur det sålt samt om framtiden:

"Detroit is certainly a radical proposition for some people, but the most important thing for us was the amazing reception the game received from gamers, which has translated into our studio's biggest commercial success to date. Eight months following the release, we are closing in on 3 million units sold worldwide as an exclusive PS4 title. The game's commercial performance has been particularly noteworthy in Japan and across all Asia."

Tack vare pengarna från NetEase ska studion nu bli betydligt större än tidigare och Cage menar att det kan bli tal om hundra fler anställda:

"Yes, we are right now hiring across all disciplines, from production and programming to game design and art. We are looking for talented people who want to work on very ambitious projects. The team was around 200 people at the peak of Detroit, so our objective will be to reach around 300 people."

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Detroit: Become Human

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Detroit: Become Human

RECENSION. Skrivet av André Wigert

På grund av Detroit: Become Humans moralmördande dilemman och intensiva handling har André Wigert blivit rejält tunnhårig.

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