Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight till Switch innehåller allt du behöver

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Vi rapporterade om det faktum att Behaviour Interactives skräcklir Dead by Daylight kommer att släppas till Nintendos hybridmaskin Switch nyligen och vi snackade med producenten Mathieu Cote under E3 om vad vi kan förvänta oss av versionen.

"Essentially Dead by Daylight is coming to the Switch, with bells and whistles and everything that you know and love from the game. We're putting all of that in your hands like this. It's coming out September 24," förklarade han.

"The most difficult bit is making sure that we could accommodate all the different combinations and variations that the Switch is able to do. One of the things that makes that console so unique and exciting is the fact that you can play it docked and it's a full-on console in your living room, and you can take it with you and you can play on the go [...] all of these things are super fun, but it requires a lot of work for us to make sure that the experience is good however you decide to play it."

För mer information gällande spelet, dess dedikerade servrar och Switch-versionen kan du kolla in hela intervjun nedan.

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Dead by Daylight

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RECENSION. Skrivet av Mike Holmes, GR EU

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