
Phil Spencer förklarar avtalen med utgivare som satsar på Xbox Game Pass

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När du väl har skapat en produkt, vill du såklart också tjäna lite pengar på den - helst täcka kostnaderna och ge rejäl vinst så det går att satsa ännu mer nästa gång samt ha en buffert för tuffare tider. Men hur fungerar det på en plattform som Xbox Game Pass, där användare kan ladda ner nya spel utan att betala för den enskilda produkten?

Detta går nu Xbox-chefen Phil Spencer närmare in på i en intervju hos The Verge, där han förklarar:

"[In] certain cases, we'll pay for the full production cost of the game. Then they get all the retail opportunity on top of Game Pass. They can go sell it on Playstation, on Steam, and on Xbox, and on Switch. For them, they've protected themselves from any downside risk. The game is going to get made. Then they have all the retail upside, we have the opportunity for day and date. That would be a flat fee payment to a developer. Sometimes the developer's more done with the game and it's more just a transaction of, "Hey, we'll put it in Game Pass if you'll pay us this amount of money."

Eftersom priset på själva spelet är långt ifrån den enda inkomstkällan i den moderna spelvärlden, kräver det ibland också andra betalningsmodeller. Spencer fortsätter:

"Others want [agreements] more based on usage and monetization in whether it's a store monetization that gets created through transactions, or usage. We're open [to] experimenting with many different partners, because we don't think we have it figured out. When we started, we had a model that was all based on usage. Most of the partners said, 'Yeah, yeah, we understand that, but we don't believe it, so just give us the money upfront.'"

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Phil Spencer förklarar avtalen med utgivare som satsar på Xbox Game Pass

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