
Amerikanska Nintendo-chefen kommenterar Switch Pro-ryktet

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Nuvarande amerikanska Nintendo-chefen Doug Bowser hade det övergripande ansvaret för Switch-lanseringen i USA innan han ersatte Reggie Fils-Aimé som storboss 2019. När Bowser nyligen intervjuades av Washington Post, gled ämnet in på den omtalade Switch Pro - som ännu inte visats. Han svarade:

"We are always looking at technology and how technology can enhance gameplay experiences. It's not technology for technology's sake. It's how specifically can technology enhance a gameplay experience. And then where do you apply that technology? Do you want to apply it on current existing hardware or platforms, or do you want to wait for the next platform? And then what's the right gameplay experience with that? There's a host of factors that goes into it, and it's something we're always looking at."

Han fortsatte med att förklara att Switch omdefinierat hållbarhet för en konsol, och sade:

"As we enter into our fifth year, Nintendo Switch really is redefining what a console life cycle can look like, and the vibrancy of that overall life cycle with a strong cadence of content,"

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Amerikanska Nintendo-chefen kommenterar Switch Pro-ryktet

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